Lunch is the most important and the biggest meal of the day. It consists of a first, a second, and dessert (at home, it´s fruit always).

On weekdays, the best option is the “menú del día”, for around 15 to 18eur per person you have a homemade meal consisting of a starter, a main (both, to choose from many options), wine (half bottle per person), water and bread included. Not available on weekends, though. Lunch time is around 0130 to 0330 pm, it´s long and relaxing.

Dinner is relatively unimportant, we don´t dine much. Dining time in restaurants is around 0930-10pm (for locals), most do not open until 9pm and that´s very early for us (earlier, just tourists) and a salad and something light as a second would be a normal option. Nowadays, you can dine as early as 8pm in many places.


Never a meal for us. Locals have one pintxo per bar, standing, holding a glass of wine or a (very) small beer. Bars are not places where we go to drink…we go rather to socialize, to meet family and friends, and spend just 15 or 20´maximum on each.

There are hundreds, and very close to each other, and again, places to socialize where kids are also welcome (they can´t drink until 18). So pintxos are had before lunch or before dinner, not as a meal, and just one or maybe two per bar, it´s fun, all of them are different! Price of a glass of quality wine is around 2.00EUR, while Coke (that we do not drink much) is 2.80.


The Basque Country is extremely safe and don´t be surprised to see kids of small ages on the street at night. Just take the logical precautions as in any other place.


After the pandemic the credit card payments have become overly popular and now you can pay with your card in most places, but Amex is rarely accepted and some bars still only work only cash. All restaurants and shops will accept Visa or MasterCard naturally.


Welcoming, eager to help, easy going, no drunkards on the streets, no beggars , proud to be Basque (don’t be surprised not to see almost any Spanish flags around…), English is not widely spoken but they will want to help if asked.


Always casual, even if you go to a first class restaurant. Jeans and a shirt is perfectly OK anywhere, not bothered about smart looks in public places. This is a rainy area, I´d be on the watch for the weather forecast as our weather is highly unpredictable, but it does rain a lot in northern Spain. Temperatures in October are mild, you´ll need a sweater at night, and maybe a jacket. I have umbrellas in my car, no need to bring any.


Tap water is absolutely fantastic here and we do not drink normally from plastic bottles, everybody drinks from the tap.


Any other questions, feel free to contact us.